How I Overcome Writer’s Block

How I Overcome Writer’s Block

Writer’s block Dun Dun Dunnnnn every writer’s and student’s worst nightmare. Honestly, there is nothing worse than writing half a sentence and then staring at a blank page for twenty minutes. Unfortunately, we have all been there, but I am here to save you from having to face that horribleness! It has taken me years of being a professional writer to learn how to consistently conquer writer’s block. Here are my tips and tricks so you never have to suffer under the haunting powers of writer’s block ever again.

writer's block advice
2021 Photography By Nicole Asherah

Journal Your Feelings

No, this does not just apply to writing really emotional pieces. Often times the reason we have writer’s block is that we are too preoccupied with emotions from our daily lives. So, if you are super blocked writing your English paper about The Great Gatsby, get out a piece of paper and write a stream of consciousness about your day. See what thoughts and feelings come up. Letting it all out will free up so much brain space for you to focus on your work and get inspired.

Bounce Ideas Off Someone Else About Your Writer’s Block

There have been numerous times that I have drawn a complete blank whenever I have gotten on my laptop to start a piece. I found if I started talking to a friend or family member about my piece, I end up answering all my own problems. Chat with someone about what it’s about, what is annoying you about it, what part you are stuck on. Having another person there gets you out of your head and allows you another perspective to weigh in on the problems you’re facing.

Give Yourself Time

While, I know having time is a luxury, not all situations allow for but even the harshest deadlines still allow some room to breathe, if you break down the time frame ahead of time. There will always be projects that just bring out your writer’s block but more often than not, I’ve found it’s not about the topic, it’s about your headspace. This is why having time is important. Often times the best way to conquer writer’s block is to take some time away from your project. Don’t think about it. Totally allow yourself to relax and release any tension. Here are especially beneficial ways to relax:

Meditate or do Yoga

I find that this is one of the most productive ways to get yourself in a positive, free-flowing headspace. The best thing about this is you don’t need long to do it. Doing a five-minute meditation where you totally let go of thoughts related to the project and any daily life stressors can be really beneficial.

Nicole Asherah Photography 2020

Go for a Walk

A quick change of scenery can vastly change one’s attitude fast. I highly recommend going for a walk to get those creative juices flowing. Be leisurely. Notice all your surroundings. Feel the sun on your skin or the wind in your hair and let the elements refresh you. While you can listen to music, I would be careful with the music you select. You don’t want anything to influence your mental state too heavily or negatively.


girl splashing in the ocean
Nicole Asherah Photography

Okay, hear me out. This sounds super embarrassing and probably is so make sure to do this in the safety of your home where there are no prying eyes. Blast some of your feel-good music and dance wildly. Movement not only releases endorphins but also releases pent-up stress in your muscles. It’s a good way to get into a clear bright headspace before returning to your writing.

With these tools in your arsenal, you will never have to stress about writer’s block again.


Blog by Nicole Asherah. Nicole Asherah is an artist who tries to connect people to intimate moments, feelings, and relationships experienced throughout life through her poetry, paintings, and photography.

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