You Make Me Sad

The closer I am to you the more my heartaches
Knowing you will always be one big heartbreak,
But I can never truly escape my love of you.
So I purposely hold you at a distance
Letting the love grow less persistent
Because for too long you were resistant of me.
And now that you’ve grown
You claim we contain hope,
But our future only ever exists on your terms
Because mine will always exceed your capabilities and highlight your limitations.
You simply lack the qualities needed in loving me,
But you see that as a victory.
You made your choice right from our start
It’s taken awhile but I know now you were the one who chose smart.
You chose to keep your heart safe
Allowing mine to continually break,
But I’m used to watching my pieces fall.
So I’ll suffer your damage
Like I’ve always done,
Feeling your pain
Because I’d hate for you to have to come undone.
And maybe I never truly learned to love you less,
I just learned to keep my love of you separate from the rest,
Because I will always love you,
Despite my love of me.
Poem by Nicole Asherah. Nicole Asherah is an artist who tries to connect people to intimate moments, feelings, and relationships experienced throughout life through her poetry, paintings, and photography.
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