Photo Series: I am but a reflection

I am but a reflection is a photo series I did on my Nikon Fm2 camera in 35mm film. I tried to examine the warmth a single light can provide to its environment. While in these photos, it is clearly the sun providing such warmth, I see it as a representation of any soul’s light. The light particles ricochet off all that is in its orbit, lighting up its surroundings. Then, in return, further lighting up itself. It reminds me of the karmic relationships of life. The sun may only be shining for itself but it still benefits others. Those others, then, benefit the sun.

But where there is light to be found, darkness and shadows always follow. I don’t know if darkness seeks to gain its own light, to emphasize the lights beauty, or dampen the lights effects. Either way, despite its presence, the darkness never taints the light. There is longing in the darkness to feel the warmth of the light. But there is also a sense of peace, a knowing the light will return.

Another layer of depth is added to the series through the outlines of people and animals. They are reminiscent of how easily you can feel removed from your surrounds when you see yourself as the subject. You aren’t able to see your affect on your environment. There is a sense of awe coming from the outlines as they look towards this light, appreciating it but not understanding how to came to be so spectacular. This eludes to others’ desires to understand how you came to be the person you are.
Film Photography by Nicole Asherah. Nicole Asherah is an artist who tries to connect people to intimate moments, feelings, and relationships experienced throughout life through her poetry, paintings, and photography.
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