How To Stop Caring About What Other People Think
Everyone has cared at one point or another what other people think of them. Most people spend their whole lives consumed by it. Not only is it the most pointless question to obsess over (because we can never know the answer) but it is one of the biggest hindrances to a happy and fulfilled life.
The fact we all know to be true but can’t get our subconscious to believe is we simply can not please everyone. Yet, we still feel trapped under the burden of trying. How do we free ourselves of this weight? There is not an overnight solution but I do have some guidance to offer from my own journey to not caring.
Forget What You Think You Know
We have this internal voice from some of the earliest or most prominent interactions in our lives that tell us what everyone’s opinion is, or at least what we think it is. This voice is wrong. I don’t care how observant or unbiased you try to be—it is wrong. I was that person that tried so hard to see things clearly but the truth is there is no clearly. Especially when you factor in that most people’s reaction to you comes from their own inner problems, insecurities, and dreams.
By setting boundaries, some people will think you are selfish and some will think you are the coolest, strongest person ever. By putting down others, some people will think you are mean and some will think you are honest and helping people improve their faults. Everyone is going to have a different opinion. Even the people closest to you probably have a different opinion than you think they will because of past memories you don’t even know about.
No Body Cares And The Ones Who Do Are Crazy
There is some weird and inappropriate thing to the social situation all of us want to do at some point. Do it. Dance in the middle of the street to no music. Scream at the top of your lungs. Go barefoot in town. Paint your face. Be brave just once. It will be scary and embarrassing and probably hilarious. Then, you know what will happen? Nothing.
Sure you’ll get some looks or laughs or disturbed faces or muttered comments. But there will be no repercussions. No one will hate you or think you’re a horrible person. And if they do, it’s literally because they are crazy. Life is absurd so what kind of people go out of their way to hate someone for one interaction they saw that harmed no one? Crazy lame people that’s who.
I know being brave is hard but I would like to give you a secret little trick that every brave person uses. They take a deep breath, count to three, and go. Don’t think. Don’t plan. Just do.
Take Note Of All The Joy
Start noticing how many moments of joy you have the more you live your life for yourself. Even if it’s the briefest minute of carefree laughter, pause, and celebrate it. The more you see how being your true self, regardless of what others think, makes you happy, the easier it becomes to ignore what people might think. It also makes you realize how easy it is to be happy if you let go.
Like everything in life, it is a journey. But please know that by you being your authentic self, you are making the world a better place. You will be happier and more loving which in turn will inspire others to be the same.
Blog by Nicole Asherah. Nicole Asherah is an artist who tries to connect people to intimate moments, feelings, and relationships experienced throughout life through her poetry, paintings, and photography.
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